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Introduction to

Interactive Course

Welcome to this interactive e-course,
which will introduce you to the AI-powered RSI platform SmarTerp—
A hybrid interpretation system that brings humans and machines together for
smarter interpreting.

Scroll down to Contents to start learning

About the Course

SmarTerp was designed by, for and with conference to help us all cope with the challenges of remote interpreting.
We know the stress that comes with using a new tool or platform before an assignment…
This is how this course will help you:

All Essential Information
in One Place

You want your preparation to be efficient, and so do we. This course provides you with step-by-step guidance that will get you started and ensure that your assignment runs smoothly.

Test It
Before You Use It

Theory in no way replaces hands-on experience. Interactive simulations and practical exercises will allow you to familiarise yourself with the system prior to the assignment.

We're Here to Answer Your Questions

What if questions come up
during the training?
We’re here to answer!
Reach out anytime
through the course forum.

This course was designed by

Francesca Maria Frittella

Francesca is a conference interpreter, interpreter trainer and researcher (read more about her here). She is a collaborator in the SmarTerp project on matters of research and training (read more here).

Start Learning

Here’s an overview of the course content. Click on the Introduction to get started or continue where you left off.